Zoom Workshops

Zoom classes are proving a very effective, safe  and popular learning experience.  You can easily follow all my demos up close with my new overhand camera and using a personal Sync.com folder which I will supply or email you can quickly send me images of your progress for immediate feedback and guidance throughout the workshops. So alongside face-to-face workshops here in the studio, I will be forging ahead with a full programme of Zoom classes for 2023.

Choose from regular fortnightly ‘Studio’ Days or longer Focused Workshops covering  a specific technique or plant group, or work alongside me on a specific painting in my new Start-to-Finish six week programmes or book One-to-One Tuition for individual time with me to discuss your work and polish your techniques.

Please note that ‘Studio Days’ will be shorter and therefore cheaper from August onwards.  The new times will be from 10.30 BST – 14.30 BST and the price will be £40 per session or 6 sessions for £200

Classes will be individually formatted and will include pre-emailed materials list plus video clips and Power Point presentations,  live Zoom sessions at pre-determined times, feedback from me plus Q & A’s. You can also have access to my photograph library to use images if you are unable to access fresh plant material.

Please read the Terms and Conditions before signing up for any of these Zoom classes.

Zoom Workshops

Focused Workshops

A week in advance you will be sent:

  • The course outline
  • The Zoom code for joining the course
  • A Sync.com link for HANDOUTS
  • A Sync.com link for submitting your CLASSWORK
  • A Sync.com link for IMAGES to work from, if applicable.
  • A full list of materials

Start and finish times depend on the workshop but will include a short break for lunch. 

You will need to be able to scan or photograph your work in progress and email to me throughout the course via the Sync.com link CLASSWORK.

Most course will start with a Power Point presentation and clear, close-up demonstrations of techniques which you will be able to follow easily via my rinky, dinky new overhand camera.

After the course you will have up to a week to work on your finished drawings and email to me via your Sync.com link for final comments if you wish.

You will also be able to access a Sync.com DEMOS folder of my demonstrations from the workshop.

‘From Start to Finish’ covering Six Weeks – focusing on completing one picture 3 March – 18 April 2025

'Springing into Flower'

‘From Start to Finish’ covering Six Weeks – focusing on completing one picture 30 June – 8 August 2025

'Bold Summer Fruits and Flowers'

What students have said about the workshops

“Many thanks to you for a very informative course. I learned a lot of very useful tips and ways of tackling problems.”

“Thanks so much for the great class; so much information! I haven’t done a lot of colored pencil and have never used solvent or resist work or embossing….so many interesting tools!”

“What a wonderful day yesterday. I really enjoyed it- the structure, pace and length were all perfect.”

“I learned a tremendous amount in Ann’s classes. Her demos and educational pieces were well done. Her use of Sync.com made sharing our work during class easy, and we were able to get immediate feedback. I would love to take more classes with Ann.”

“ I learnt so much from each demo followed by a task and I found the last leaf project most helpful the way we followed you and then sent in our work. When I look back over the years of my work I can see how all your help has made me improve and enjoy because of the satisfaction of producing a complete piece of work.”

“Ann’s organization and preparation were excellent; her demos were brief and useful; she allowed plenty of time for students to do the exercises. “

Regular Studio Days

I call these Zoom day workshops ‘Studio Days’ as they will take a similar format to my pre-Covid monthly one-day workshops at the studio. Students can work on their own choice of subject or continuing projects or they can choose subjects from my photo library.

  • The days will usually start at 10.30 BST on Zoom (sometimes later to fit in with overseas students, we try to be flexible).
  • Numbers are kept to 8 maximum to enable plenty of individual attention.
  • I will discuss with each student what they wish to focus on during the day and any relevant technique demos they would like me to do.
  • Students will then work on their own projects at their own pace throughout the day with individual access to Ann as required for advice and demos.
  • Students can feedback their work throughout the day to me via their own personal Sync.com CLASSWORK folder which will be sent when they enrol. This enables direct feedback from me at any time.
  • We will break for 45 minutes for lunch midday.
  • Class will finish at 2.30 unless starting later.

Full details and links will be supplied after registering and payment.

£40 per day or 6 days for £200.

Choose your date(s) and book now

Special Offer: Six (6) Days
November 13, 2024
November 27, 2024
February 06, 2025
February 19, 2025
March 06, 2025
March 19, 2025
April 03, 2025
April 16, 2025
May 08, 2025
May 21, 2025
June 05, 2025
June 25, 2025
July 10, 2025
July 23, 2025

One-to-One Tuition

These are sessions of one hour which can be taken in one session or split into 2 half-hour sessions over a month.

Once booked and paid Ann will email you with available time slots for you to book directly with her.

When you have agreed a slot and start time Ann will email you the Zoom session code and password and it will be up to you to log in on time. You can decide then if you want to take the session in one go or split into smaller sessions.

To get the best value out of these sessions you will need to be able to photograph or scan your work and send to Ann in advance through a Sync.com link which Ann will email you with a week before your meeting. Further details on application.

Choose your date(s) and book now

Pay now and Ann will email you a list of available time slots
01380 724788
Rowde Court Studio, Marsh Lane, Rowde, Wiltshire, SN10 2NW
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